Meet our rescue pup Rylie!

If you follow me on Instagram then you may already know this but... We got a pup!

Rylie is her name and she's a three month old yellow lab + jack russell mix. We adopted her a few weeks ago from a woman who rescued her in Nashville, TN. The backstory is, the lady we got Rylie from was a flight attendant who traveled to Nashville to visit her mom. During that trip, she met a litter of newborn puppies who didn't have a home. She saw that Rylie was the smallest of the group and was severely malnourished, so she brought her back to California with her. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep it so she listed Rylie on Craigslist, which is where we found her. At the time, we were browsing puppies on Craigslist for fun but when we saw Rylie's post, we had to meet her in person. I can honestly say that it was love at first sight and a week later, we brought her back home with us and she's been a part of the family ever since!

When we first got her, she weighed 7lbs and was very long and thin. Her ribs were showing, her fur was wiry and she had fleas and worms. We took her to the vet and got her round of shots and dewormed. When she became old enough, we got her flea medicine and fed her special food so she could gain some weight. In just three weeks, she's doubled her weight, is flea/worm free with thick, soft fur and most importantly, has tons of energy! We have to exercise her twice a day and since we don't have a yard, that forces us to work out too haha

 It wasn't our intention to rescue a dog but these past few weeks have really made me become an advocate for rescuing pets, #adoptdontshop. Since Rylie is the first puppy we've ever had, it's been challenging to train her - the Jack Russell in her is so stubborn! But she is really sweet with people and other animals and loves to cuddle, which makes it all worth it. We also started puppy preschool so we know how to properly train her to become a model citizen ;) If you are a fellow dog owner, please send me your doggy tips in the comments below or shoot me an email!

Follow along her jounrey and watch her grow! She has her own instagram @ryliethepup & #ryliethepup ;P